I received these pictures of a Vivacity that had been modified with an outboard well. A big hole was cut into the bottom of the boat in the aft part of the cockpit and a new wooden structure added to keep the water out of the cockpit. A wooden plug then was added, only leaving space for the leg of an electric outboard.

Now the new owner, Ian, thinks of putting a standard petrol outboard in there instead.
I own a Fantasie 19 so the outboard well is second nature to me - I love it - no bending over the back of the boat to put the engine on, easy to get to, easy refuelling..... and it makes a handy place to keep the beer cool while sailing... :o))
Dear Sir
We would like to speak to the gentleman who raised the boom on his mast 16 inches to accomodate a bimini I think that a lot of us would like him to describe exactly what he did--- I for one would like to do this Please ask him to reply as I am sure there are boat owners world wide who would love to make this modification
Capt Tuna
I'm sorry Cptn, I saw your comment about the boom raising before, but I don't have any means to contact the owner other than yourself - no email address I mean.
My Pandora also has an outboard well and I can highly recommend it - a combination of the advantages of an inboard and the accessibility of an outboard. Unless the well has a plug in it, like the Vivacity featured here, however - and mine doesn't - you do need to accept a certain rate of loss of items down the hole and into the deep blue sea...to date, for me, that includes a winch handle, various drinks and a Blackberry :0)
I just noticed this posted here, thanks for posting it.
I'd love to speak to the other owners of boats with an "inboard outboard" well.
It would be great to be able to see how others have theirs installed, if possible.
The previous engine on there was electric so I guess they didn't have to worry about telltale water, fuel lines or exhaust emissions.
My email address is mcshane.ian@gmail.com.
I too have a Fantasie 19 with a well. The benefits are as Steve pointed out, The down sides that I have are the turbulance, which I assume costs me dearly in speed, and also the noise and fumes from my old Suzy 2 stroke make it unbearable for prolonged motoring.
I have also lost 1 set of keys and 2 mobile phones but this year I have commited to screwing some strips of wood as upstands to stop all my worldly possesions disappearing into the ogin.
My Invader 20 (snapdragon 600)drains through holes in the rear of the cockpit a few inchaes above the waterline.
How was draining achieved in this modification?
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