Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer 2009 cruise report

I have finally finished this year's cruise report. It's on the blog here and does contain lots of photos and some video.


Unknown said...

What an astonishing area for sailing. You are very lucky - escept for the winter weather of course.

I often think about those men who were paid to spend days, months and years manning those forts and military facilities - seems like an easy life. What a great job for a birdwatcher as long as the enemy doesn't come over the horizon of course.

As for the cat - I can see what they are trying to achieve - but I am not sure it is worth it - so much weight aloft



jenku said...

An easy life, yes, but very boring as well? Maybe that's why they started to take minks for sovjet submarines in the 80ies...just to have something to do...